Publikationen seit 2008
Artikel in Zeitschriften und Büchern
- S. Khan, G. Perosa, F. Sottocorona, A. Brynes, G. De Ninno, G. Penco, P. R. Ribič, S. Spampinati, C. Spezzani, M. Trovò, L. Giannessi, E. Allaria, E. Schneidmiller and E. Ferrari, Evolution of density-modulated electron beams in drift sections, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 27, 040702 (2024).
- S. Khan, C. Mai, M. Kebekus, G. Schmidt, Studies of radiation background at the synchrotron light source DELTA, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2687, 062033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2687/7/072029 (2024).
- M. A. Jebrabcik, S. Khan, and W. Helml, Steady‑state solutions of split beams in electron storage rings, Scientifc Reports 12, 18383 (2022).
- S. Khan, K. Wille, Accelerator-based photon sources, in: I. Fleck, M. Titov, C. Grupen, I. Buvat (Eds.), Handbook of Particle Detection and Imaging, Springer (2021).
- S. Khan, Laser-driven electron storage rings, J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 1596, 012025 (2020).
- P. Ungelenk, M. Höner, H. Huck, S. Khan, C. Mai, A. Meyer auf der Heide, C. Evain, C. Szwaj, and S. Bielawski, "Continuously tunable narrowband pulses in the THz gap from laser-modulated electron bunches in a storage ring", Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 20, 020706 (2017).
- S. Khan, Ultrashort High-Brightness Pulses from Storage Rings, Nuclear Instruments & Methods A 865, 95 (2017).
- S. Khan, Ultrashort Pulses from Synchrotron Radiation Sources, in: E. Jaeschke, S. Khan, J. R. Schneider, J. B. Hastings (Eds.), Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers, Springer (2015).
- K. Hacker, R. Molo, S. Khan, L. L. Lazzarino, C. Lechner, Th. Maltezopoulos, T. Plath, J. Rossbach, S. Ackermann, J. Bödewadt, M. Dohlus, N. Ekanayake, T. Laarmann, and H. Schlarb, Measurements and Simulations of Seeded Electron Microbunches with Collective Effects, Phys. Rev. Special Topics – Accel. Beams 18, 090704 (2015).
- S. Ackermann, A. Azima, S. Bajt, J. Bödewadt, F. Curbis, H. Dachraoui, H. Delsim-Hashemi, M. Drescher, S. Düsterer, B. Faatz, M. Felber, J. Feldhaus, E. Hass, U. Hipp, K. Honkavaara, R. Ischebeck, S. Khan, T. Laarmann, C. Lechner, Th. Maltezopoulos, V. Miltchev, M. Mittenzwey, M. Rehders, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, J. Rossbach, H. Schlarb, S. Schreiber, L. Schroedter, M. Schulz, S. Schulz, R. Tarkeshian, M. Tischer, V. Wacker, and M. Wieland, Generation of Coherent 19- and 38-nm Radiation at a Free-Electron Laser Directly Seeded at 38 nm, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 114801 (2013).
- S. Khan, F. Bahnsen, S. Cramm, S. Döring, J. Grewe, M. Höner, H. Huck, M. Huck., R. Molo, L. Plucinski, A. Schick, C. M. Schneider, and P. Ungelenk, Generation of Ultrashort and Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Pulses at DELTA, Synchrotron Radiation News, 26:3, 25 (2013).
- S. Khan and K. Wille, Synchrotron Radiation and FEL Instrumentation, in: C. Grupen, I. Buvat (Eds.), Handbook of Particle Detection and Imaging, Springer (2012).
- S. Khan, M. Bakr, M. Höner, H. Huck, R. Molo, A. Nowaczyk, A. Schick, Peter Ungelenk, and Maryam Zeinalzadeh, Coherent Harmonic Generation at DELTA: A New Facility for Ultrashort Pulses in the VUV and THz Regime, Synchrotron Radiation News, 24:5, 18 (2011).
- G. Angelova, V. Ziemann, A. Meseck, P. Salén, P. van der Meulen, M. Hamberg, M. Larsson, J. Bödewadt, S. Khan, A. Winter, H. Schlarb, F. Löhl, E. Saldin, E. Schneidmiller, and M. Yurkov, Observation of Two-Dimensional Longitudinal-Transverse Correlations in an Electron Beam by Laser-Electron Interactions, Phys. Rev. Special Topics – Accel. Beams 11, 070702 (2008).
- S. Khan, Tutorial Review: Free-Electron Lasers, Journal of Modern Optics 55, 3469 (2008).
AAC = Advanced Accelerator Concepts
DIPAC = Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators
EPAC = European Particle Accelerator Conference
FEL = Free-Electron Laser Conference
FLS = Workshop on Future Light Sources
HB = Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity, High-Brightness and High Power Hadron Beams
IBIC = International Beam Instrumentation Conference
IPAC = International Particle Accelerator Conference
LINAC = Linear Accelerator Conference
PAC = Particle Accelerator Conference
- C. Spezzani, A. Simoncig, A. Abrami, A. Gubertini, A. Brynes, A. Demidovich, B. Diviacco, C. Callegari, C. Masciovecchio, C. Scafuri, D. Millo, D. Garzella, D. Castronovo, D. Vivoda, D. Caiazza, E. Allaria, F. Galassi, F. Giacuzzo, F. Rossi, F. Sottocorona, G. Kurdi, G. De Ninno, G. Gaio, G. Penco, I. Nikolov, K. Prince, L. Badano, L. Pivetta, L. Sturari, M. Coreno, M. Milani, M. Veronese, M. Zangrando, M. Ferianis, M. Trevi, M. Bossi, M. Zaccaria, M. Trovo, M. Di Fraia, M. Manfredda, M. Danailov, O. Plekan, P. Cinquegrana, P. Sigalotti, P. Susnjar, P. Rebernik Ribic, R. De Monte, R. Fabris, R. Bracco, R. Sauro, R. Visintini, S. Grulja, S. Bassanese, S. Di Mitri, Z. Ebrahimpour, C. Vozzi, D. Faccial, E. Roussel, E. Hemsing, J. Morgan, W. Fawley, E. Ferrari, G. Perosa, L. Giannessi, S. Spampinati, R. Feifel, S. Khan, Echo-enabled harmonic generation at FERMI FEL-1: Commissioning and initial user experience, IPAC 2024, Nashville, 1863.
- S. Khan, A. Radha Krishnan, B. Büsing, C. Mai, V. Vijayan, Z. Usfoor, W. Salah, Single-electron experiments at the DELTA storage ring, IPAC 2024, Nashville, 1337.
- S. Khan, A. Radha Krishnan, B. Büsing, C. Mai, V. Vijayan, Z. Usfoor, W. Salah, Echo-enabled harmonic generation at the DELTA storage ring, IPAC 2024, Nashville, 1333.
- P. Amstutz, C. Mai, S. Khan, C. Mahnke, C. Behrens, C. Gerth, E. Schneidmiller, G. Goetzke, K. Tiedtke, O. Akcaalan, U. Grosse-Wortmann, Towards short-pulse generation at FLASH via laser-assisted electron bunch manipulation, IPAC 2024, Nashville, 403.
- S. Khan, B. Büsing, A. Held, C. Mai, A. Radha Krishnan, W. Salah, V. Vijayan, Z. Usfoor, SPEED: Worldwide first EEHG implementation in a storage ring, IPAC 2023, Venice, 1057.
- C. Mai, B. Büsing, S. Khan, A. Radha Krishnan, W. Salah, Z. Usfoor, V. Vijayan, Observation of coherent terahertz bursts during low-energy operation of DELTA, IPAC 2023, Venice, 1061.
- S. Khan, G. Perosa, F. Sottocorona, E. Allaria, A. Brynes, G. Penco, P. R. Ribič, S. Spampinati, C. Spezzani, M. Trovò, L. Giannessi, G. De Ninno, E. Ferrari, E. Schneidmiller, Space charge effects on density-modulated electron beams in drift spaces, IPAC 2023, Venice, 1835.
- D. Schirmer, A. Althaus, S. Hüser, T. Schüngel, Machine learning-based optimization of storage ring injection efficiency, IPAC 2923, Venice, 2896.
- S. Khan, C. Mai, M. Kebekus, G. Schmidt, Studies of radiation background at the synchrotron light source DELTA, IPAC 2023, Venice, 4081.
- S. Khan, G. Perosa, F. Sottocorona, E. Allaria, A. Brynes, G. Penco, P. R. Ribič, S. Spampinati, C. Spezzani, M. Trovò, L. Giannessi, G. De Ninno, E. Ferrari, E. Schneidmiller, Evolution of microbunching in drift sections, FEL 2022, Trieste, 21.
- B. Büsing et al., Preparatory experimental investigations in view of EEHG at the DELTA storage ring, FEL 2022, Trieste, 313.
- A. Radha Krishnan et al., Spectro-temporal properties of coherently emitted ultrashort radiation pulses at DELTA, FEL 2022, Trieste, 317.
- G. Perosa, F. Sottocorona, A. Caretta, G. De Ninno, L. Foglia, S. Di Mitri, D. Garzella, L. Gianessi, S. Laterza, R. Minicigrucci, G. Penco, C. Spezzani, P. Rebernik Ribic, M. Trovò, S. Khan, Transversely separated crossed polarized FEL subpulses, FEL 2022, Trieste, 335.
- A. Radha Krishnan el al., Investigation of the spectro-temporal properties of CHG radiation at DELTA, IPAC 2022, Bangkok, 1423.
- B. Büsing et al., Progress towards EEHG seeding at the DELTA storage ring, IPAC 2022, Bangkok, 1420.
- B. Büsing et al., Optics studies on the operation of a new wiggler and bunch shortening at the DELTA storage ring, IPAC 2021, Campinas, 2772.
- A. Held et al., Status of the short-pulse source at DELTA, IPAC 2021, Campinas, 1518.
- C. Mai et al., Towards arbitrary pulse shapes in the terahertz domain, IPAC 2021, Campinas, 3977.
- A. Meyer auf der Heide et al., Harmonic Off-Axis Seeding at the DELTA Short-Pulse Source, FEL 2019, Hamburg, 246.
- C. Lechner, S. Ackermann, R. W. Assmann, B. Faatz, V. Grattoni, I. Hartl, S. D. Hartwell, R. Ivanov, M. M. Kazemi, T. Laarmann, T. Lang, G. Paraskaki, A. Przystawik, J. Zheng, S. Khan, A. Azima, H. Biss, M. Drescher, W. Hillert, V. Miltchev, J. Rossbach, Seeding R&D at sFLASH, FEL 2019, Hamburg, 230.
- C. Mai et al., Pulse Shaping Methods for Laser-Induced Generation of THz Radiation at the DELTA Storage Ring, IPAC 2019, Melbourne, 1453.
- A. Meyer auf der Heide et al., The DELTA Short-Pulse Source: Upgrade Plans from CHG to EEHG, IPAC 2019, Melbourne, 1457.
- D. Krieg et al., Design Steps Towards an Electron Source for Ultrafast Electron Diffraction at DELTA, IPAC 2019, Melbourne, 1968.
- S. Khan, Laser Seeding of Electron Bunches for Future Ring-Based Light Sources, FLS 2018, Shanghai, 177.
- B. Riemann et al., Resistive-Wall Impedance of Insertions for FCC-hh, IPAC 2018, Vancouver, 378.
- V. Grattoni et al., An Option to Generate Seeded FEL Radiation for FLASH1, IPAC 2018, Vancouver, 1448.
- V. Grattoni et al., Control of FEL Radiation Properties by Tailoring the Seed Pulses, IPAC 2018, Vancouver, 1444.
- C. Lechner et al., Status of the sFLASH Experiment, IPAC 2018, Vancouver, 1471.
- D. Krieg et al., First Conceptual Design Studies of an Electron Source for Ultrafast Electron Diffraction at DELTA, IPAC 2018, Vancouver, 4530.
- C. Mai et al., A Tunable Narrowband Source in the Sub-THz and THz Range at DELTA, IPAC 2018, Vancouver, 4534.
- A. Meyer auf der Heide et al., Measurement of the Laser-Induced Energy Modulation Amplitude at the Short-Pulse Facility at DELTA, IPAC 2018, Vancouver, 4538.
- B. Riemann et al., Validating the COBEA Algorithm at the DELTA Storage Ring, IPAC 2018, Vancouver, 4851.
- V. Grattoni et al., Status of Seeding Development at sFLASH, FEL 2017, Santa Fe, 136.
- T. Plath et al., Extraction of the Longitudinal Profile of the Transverse Emittance From Single-Shot RF Deflector Measurements at sFLASH, FEL 2017, Santa Fe, 98.
- S. Khan et al., Seeding of Electron Bunches in Storage Rings, FEL 2017, Santa Fe, 94.
- C. Lechner et al., Concept for a Seeded FEL at FLASH2, FEL 2017, Santa Fe, 34.
- C. Lechner et al., Concept for a Seeded FEL at FLASH2, IPAC 2017, Copenhagen, 2607.
- J. Bödewadt et al., Experience in Operating sFLASH with High-Gain Harmonic Generation, IPAC 2017, Copenhagen, 2596.
- J. Bödewadt et al., Parameter Optimization for Operation of sFLASH with Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation, IPAC 2017, 2592.
- A. Meyer auf der Heide et al., Progress Towards an EEHG-Based Short-Pulse Source at DELTA, IPAC 2017, Copenhagen, 2582.
- S. Khan et al., Pilot Experiments and New Developments at the DELTA Short-Pulse Facility, IPAC 2017, Copenhagen, 2578.
- B. Riemann et al., COBEA - Optical Parameters From Response Matrices without Knowledge of Magnet Strengths, IPAC 2017, Copenhagen, 676.
- W. Bartmann et al., Beam Dynamics Issues in the FCC, HB 2016, Malmö, 373.
- S. Khan et al., Spectral Studies of Ultrashort and Coherent Radiation Pulses at the DELTA Storage Ring, IPAC 2016, Busan, 2851.M. A. Jebramcik et al., Coherent Harmonic Generation in the Presence of Synchronized RF Phase Modulation at DELTA, IPAC 2016, Busan, 2847.
- C. Mai et al., Time-resolved Spectral Observation of Coherent THz Pulses at DELTA, IPAC 2016, Busan, 105.
- K. E. Hacker et al., Measurements and Simulation of Seeded Microbunches with Collective Effects, FEL 2015, Daejeon, 650.
- K. E. Hacker et al., First Lasing of an HGHG-Seeded FEL at FLASH, FEL 2015, Daejeon, 646.
- C. Lechner et al., Suppression of FEL Lasing by a Seeded Microbunching Instability, FEL 2015, Daejeon, 289.
- S. Hilbrich et al., Plans for an EEHG-based Short-Pulse Facility at the DELTA Storage Ring, FEL 2015, Daejeon, TUP012.
- S. Khan et al., Characterization and Optimization of Ultrashort Coherent VUV Pulses at the DELTA Storage Ring, IPAC 2015, Richmond, 1452.
- S. Khan, A New Method to Generate Ultrashort and Coherent Pulses of Short-Wavelength Synchrotron Radiation, IPAC 2015, Richmond, 1448.
- J. Bödewadt et al., Recent Results from FEL Seeding at FLASH, IPAC 2015, Richmond, 1366.
- C. Mai et al., Observation of Coherent Pulses in the Sub-THz Range at DELTA, IPAC 2015, Richmond, 823.
- M. Sommer et al., Coupled-Bunch Instability Suppression Using RF Phase Modulation at the DELTA Storage Ring, IPAC 2015, Richmond, 179.
- S. Hilbrich et al., Upgrade Plans for the Short-Pulse Facility at DELTA, FEL 2014, Basel, 255.
- C. Lechner et al., Measurements of the Timing Stability at the FLASH1 Seeding Experiment, FEL 2014, Basel, 913.
- A. Meyer auf der Heide et al., Coherent Harmonic Generation at the DELTA Storage Ring: Towards User Operation, FEL 2014, Basel, 556.
- S. Khan, Enhancing Coherent Harmonic Generation Using Tilted Laser Wavefronts, FEL 2014, Basel, 248.
- C. Lechner et al., Demonstration of SASE Suppression Through a Seeded Microbunching Instability, FEL 2014, Basel, 177.
- M. Höner et al., Bunch-by-Bunch Feedback Systems at the DELTA Storage Ring Used for Beam Diagnostics, IBIC 2014, Monterey, 703.
- S. Khan et al., Diagnostics of and with Laser-Induced Energy Modulation at the DELTA Storage Ring, IBIC 2014, Monterey, 202.
- M. Höner et al., Investigation of Beam Instabilities at DELTA Using Bunch-by-Bunch Feedback Systems, IPAC 2014, Dresden, 3486.
- P. Ungelenk et al., Studies of Ultrashort THz Pulses at DELTA, IPAC 2014, Dresden, 1936.
- M. Huck et al., Ultrashort and Coherent Radiation for Pump-Probe Experiments at the DELTA Storage Ring, IPAC 2014, Dresden, 1848.
- M. A. Jebramcik et al., Study of the Beam Lifetime at the Synchrotron Light Source DELTA, IPAC 2014, Dresden, 222.
- A. Schick et al., Status Report of the Short-Pulse Facility at the DELTA Storage Ring, FEL 2013, New York, 642.
- R. Molo et al., EEHG and Femtoslicing at DELTA, FEL 2013, New York, 594
- M. Huck et al., Experimental Characterization of the Coherent Harmonic Generation Source at the DELTA Storage Ring, IPAC 2013, Shanghai, 2132.
- R. Molo et al., Investigation of the Magnetic Chicane of the Short-Pulse Facility at the DELTA Storage Ring, IPAC 2013, Shanghai, 1889.
- M. Höner et al., Beam Diagnostics by Using Bunch-by-Bunch Feedback Systems at the DELTA Storage Ring, IPAC 2013, Shanghai, 485.
- P. Ungelenk et al., Temporal and Spectral Observation of Laser-Induced THz Radiation at DELTA, IPAC 2013, Shanghai, 94.
- H. Huck et al., Status of the DELTA Short-Pulse Facility, FEL 2012, Nara, 401.
- K. Hacker et al., Optical Replica Synthesizer to be Recommissioned with 270 nm Seed at FLASH, FEL 2012, Nara, 261.
- K. Hacker et al., Progress Towards HGHG and EEHG Seeding at FLASH, FEL 2012, Nara, 257.
- C. Lechner et al., First Direct Seeding at 38 nm, FEL 2012, Nara, 197.
- A. Schick et al., Recent results from the Short-Pulse Facility at the DELTA Storage Ring, IPAC 2012, New Orleans, 1617.
- M. Höner et al., Bunch-by-Bunch Feedback Systems at the DELTA Storage Ring, IPAC 2012, New Orleans, 807.
- P. Ungelenk et al, Recent Developments at the DELTA THz Beamline, IPAC 2012, New Orleans, 768.
- K. E. Hacker et al., Echo Seeding Experiment at FLASH, FEL 2011, Shanghai, 279.
- R. Molo et al., Conceptual Layout of a New Short-pulse Radiation Source at DELTA Based on EEHG, FEL 2011, Shanghai, 219.
- H. Huck et al., Coherent Harmonic Generation at the DELTA Storage Ring, FEL 2011, Shanghai, 5.
- R. Molo et al., Echo-enabled Harmonic Generation at DELTA, IPAC 2011, San Sebastian, 3074.
- M. Zeinalzadeh et al., Temporal and Spatial Alignment of Electron Bunches and Ultrashort Laser Pulses for the CHG Experiment at DELTA, IPAC 2011, San Sebastian, 2945.
- A. Schick et al., Ultrashort VUV and THz Pulse Generation at the DELTA Storage Ring, IPAC 2011, San Sebastian, 2942.
- M. Höner et al., A dedicated THz Beamline at DELTA, IPAC 2011, San Sebastian, 2939.
- V. Miltchev et al., sFLASH – Present Status and Commissioning Results, IPAC 2011, San Sebastian, 923.
- J. Bödewadt et al., sFLASH – First Results of Direct Seeding at FLASH, FEL 2010, Malmö, 330.
- H. Huck et al., Past and Future of the DELTA Free-Electron Laser, FEL 2010, Malmö, 310.
- H. Delsim-Hashemi et al., Status of sFLASH, the Seeding Experiment at FLASH, IPAC 2010, Kyoto, 2161.
- S. Khan et al., Studies and Control of Coupled-bunch Instabilities at DELTA, IPAC 2010, Kyoto, 2755.
- P. Hartmann et al., Fast Orbit Feedback for DELTA and FAIR, IPAC 2010, Kyoto, 2752.
- J. Bödewadt et al., First Results of Direct Seeding at FLASH, LINAC 2010, Tsukuba, 419.
- F. Curbis et al., Photon Diagnostics for the Seeding Experiment at FLASH, FEL 2009, Liverpool, 754.
- P. Salén et al., Results from the Optical Replica Synthesizer at FLASH, FEL 2009, Liverpool, 739.
- V. Miltchev et al., Technical Design of the XUV Seeding Experiment at FLASH, FEL 2009, Liverpool, 503.
- V. G. Ziemann et al., Recent Results from the Optical Replica Synthesizer Experiment in FLASH, DIPAC 2009, Basel, 430.
- P. Towalski et al., Implementation of an FPGA-based Local Fast Orbit Feedback at the DELTA Storage Ring, DIPAC 2009, Basel, 74.
- J. Bödewadt et al., Status of the XUV Seeding Experiment at FLASH, PAC 2009, Vancouver, 1252.
- S. Khan, Future Plans for DELTA, PAC 2009, Vancouver, 1144.
- S. Khan et al., Results from the Optical Replica Experiment at FLASH, FEL 2008, Gyeongju, 497.
- A. Azima et al., sFLASH: An Experiment for Seeding VUV Radiation at FLASH, FEL 2008, Gyeongju, 405.
- A. Azima et al., Tolerance Studies on the High Harmonic Laser Seeding at FLASH, FEL 2008, Gyeongju, 235.
- G. Angelova et al., Results from the Optical Replica Experiments at FLASH, EPAC 2008, Genova, 1332.
- T. Quast et al., Femtoslicing at BESSY – Detecting more Photons, EPAC 2008, Genova, 172.
- A. Azima et al., Experimental Layout of 30 nm High Harmonic Seeding at FLASH, EPAC 2008, Genova, 127.
- S. Khan, Longitudinal Diagnostics of Short Bunches at FLASH, AAC 2008, 1086 (2008), Santa Cruz, 631.