User System
The user system enables you to submit an experiment proposal for the DELTA synchrotron radiation source. Please consider the following notes before submission:
The proposal text should be prepared as a document in 'portable document format' (PDF). Proposal templates for MS Word or Latex can be found under 'Documents' after login.
In order to efficently use DELTA beamtime 24 h a day at least three experimentalists should attend the experiment.
We will gladly assist you during your experiments, but are not able to give 24h support in taking data.
You will be briefed in detail on radiation safety, beamline safety precautions, and on how to run the beamline control system. Previous experience at synchrotron radiation sources is desirable, but not necessarily a prerequisite. If X-ray scattering is a new field for you and you are not sure about the feasibility of your experiment, please contact the beamline scientists in charge.
For legal reasons we have to know in advance about every experimentalist working at the experiment. Because of that, you have to register all participants as co-proposers in your proposal. Every (co-)proposer has to create an user account prior to submission of the proposal.